The "FOF Observations" are a series of "Perpetual Posts" where I will share with you, my readers, short little observations that I have made (or will be making) on being the father of a large family. You will be able to access each of the posts in a cohesive list by clicking on the "FOF Observations" link in the "Perpetual Posts" group on the sidebar.
Today #4 of 5 was home sick. In the middle of the day the Mother of Five called home to check in on our sick little one. She asked if I took her temperature yet - (sounds of crickets chirping).
Ok, ok, ok. Once again I am out of the running for “parent of the year”.
After completing the conversation with the Mother of Five, I went a searchin’ for the thermometer, and as luck (and a little bit of Murphy’s Law) would dictate – that little thing was NOWHERE to be found. Oh, I DID find the little clear case, but the actual thermometer was eluding me.
I called the Mother of Five back and asked her if she knew were it was. I tried the list of locations she provided me with no luck. Her last resort? Run to the store and buy another one.
Dads… Are you out there? Am I alone in my frustration with the phrase “just buy another one”???
So, here is my “Observation” for you.
If you are you a parent…
If you are you going to be a parent soon…
If you are even CONSIDERING becoming a parent one day…
Let me make a suggestion for you… (Consider it a tip from one dad to another) Invest your money in whoever makes these things. I can not even begin to count how many we have bought and lost over the years. (No exaggeration – I bet at least ten!)